Saturday, April 11, 2009

i'm losing it

Saya sudah kehilangan.

This is when I feel like running away. But you know I wont, especially when it comes to you. Unlike some people, I don't just sweep things beneath the carpet and I would just vacum all the shattered glass away and make it clean, or maybe we could start on a clean slate.

If only things were that easy, and if only you would, for once, grow up, and deal with your problems, instead of beating around the bush and tongue twist your words. We don't need a third party or a mediator to solve our problem. Actually, it will only make it worse.

Honestly, what is the problem?

If you are having a hard time with my life right now, I think you, out of all people, should know me better. You expect me to know or understand what you are feeling right now?

I'm not a bloody mind reader, and hell no, I don't have any hidden invisble antenna that can retrieve what you are thinking or feel with just glancing at each other.

What do you think I am? A bloody coackroach with antennas?

Please. Do me a small favor.

Try looking at yourself in the mirror, and ask yourself, what is it that you are trying to achieve by acting this way. And stop pointing fingers at other people.

You are the root for all these mess.

I'm not saying that I'm not at fault. No, not at all. I know, truly, madly, deeply, part of it came from me. Certain changes that I made that brought me to where I am today might not make you feel any better. But hey, I'm only human, I cannot make everybody happy.

Foremost, I have to make myself happy. And I'm happy now. Just the way I am.

And I think, as a friend, you should at least share my happiness with me instead of sulking, whining, and make other people as your scape goat, just because you are not happy with me now. So please.


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