Thursday, December 12, 2019

108 / Adra Zahin Part 1

Assalamualaikum and hi!

Oh dear I cannot believe it has been more than a year since I updated my blog. I have been VERY occupied with our 9 month-old daughter,  Adra Zahin.

Adra Zahin. Short and sweet. Adra means beautiful, and Zahin means intelligent. Cerdik. A true definition of Adra Zahin. Panjang akalnya tapi comel. Ceh perasan. 

Okay please be ready to read my superbly long post. I must not fail to blog my pregnancy experience here, I need to have it documented somewhere. It was one helluva ride. 

Hmmm not really. 

It was smooth sailing at first, from the moment I found out about my pregnancy, up until the 30th week. No morning sickness, no moodswings, I was happy most of the time, I enjoyed the attention from my family and other people, my husband who has always been amazing to me, was 100x more romantic than before and we traveled a lot. I also had no cravings for weird stuff, although I kept losing weight throughout the pregnancy, I can say that I was well fed. I ate whatever I like, whenever I want. Sugar level was good, BP was fine. No crazy weight gain, but baby's size was growing in height and weight pretty darn well. Nothing weird, nothing alarming. Oh but my pregnancy brain was horrible. Lol. I once worn my office attire inside out, only to notice that I was wearing it wrong at the end of the day. Such a fish.

All these stopped at 31 weeks. 

I went for my routine monthly checkup with my gynae, Dr. Nooraini at 31 weeks. She said baby was fine, 2.2kg and healthy, however, I had protein in my urine. Not traces, but a large amount of protein. My BP was also slightly elevated, at about 135/90, so my Dr decided to admit me that very same day just to monitor me further, and see if there are any contributing factors that made my readings go haywire. After a few tests here and there, she confirmed that I have Pre-eclampsia.

Pre freaking Eclampsia. 

What is preeclampsia?

It is a condition where when diagnosed, most mothers are recommended to terminate the pregnancy ie. beranak terus, to save the mother from any further complication. I was scared - Dr. Nooraini was gonna leave the country to that very night to climb Mt. Everest Base Camp in Kathmandu. Worst part of the news is - she's gonna be gone for 2 weeks! Before she left, she assured me that all will be well, provided that my BP is within the right reading threshold and the level of protein/uric acid in my urine is controlled. If they aren't, then I most likely need to deliver wayyy earlier than my actual due date. About 8 weeks early kinda early. She handed my file over to Dr. Pauline, another gynae from the same hospital and she told me - should Dr. Pauline feel like I need to deliver before my due date, it would be HER call and Dr. Nooraini will support it.

It was nerve-wrecking. After hearing all that, obviously my BP skyrocketed which made things worse. I was admitted for a week. It was so.. so.. boring. My amazing husband was with me 24/7 throughout this ordeal. It was really the three of us. My husband, I and our baby. We were one, as a team. I remember I told Adra who was then in my tummy, "Adra, I think you can come out now lah, Mak and Bapak are ready for you." Little did I know she took my words seriously lol. Ye lah, kata kata itu doa kan. God must have heard me and He's heard me well. 

Ooops duty calls. Brb.

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